what our members are saying

take their word for it

“I started doing yoga with Kristin close to 10 years ago in college. It has been so wonderful to see her grow as a yogi and now teacher. I have been taking her class for the last 3 months and I have felt such a change in my body and mind. My flexibility has increased dramatically in such a short period of time. She guides you through each class with clear direction and teaching inner peace all at the same time. Her voice is so soothing and her knowledge is outstanding. I can’t wait to continue this yoga journey with Kristin as the guide.”



“I was having a rough morning. Clients and colleagues were making me agitated and frustrated, and I had drafted a particularly snarky response to an email. Before sending, I did Kristin’s live flow. She reminded me to “release anything that’s not serving you.” That did it! Not only did I feel energized from the flow, but I felt empowered and refreshed. The flows are an amazing way to become re-centered, positive, and mindful of yourself. Needless to say, I deleted the email! Thanks Kristin!!”



“"After the self-love glove flow, I felt like I wrapped myself in a love-glove. Even during the flow, I felt the physical embrace of self-love and peace. ”



Looking to go deeper?

Flow with me privately

Work with us in a more intimate and private setting where we can achieve your personal goals and needs. Need healing? Looking to transform or change? Wanting to manifest that dream job or house? Our private program gives you the space and time to invest in yourself and in the life you deserve to be enjoying.

Work with me Privately

I offer personal + private 1:1 sessions + programs.